About » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Red Raider Students, Parents, and Families,
It is a privilege to serve my high school alma mater, Kaua’i High School, as principal. It is an honor to have the opportunity to lead a school with such a longstanding history in academics, athletics and the arts. I have been working with such a talented and dedicated faculty and staff, an outstanding student body, and a supportive network of parents and community members who support the vision and mission of our school. It has been this collaborative effort of all of us that has impressed me and ensures that our students are OUR focus.
Kaua’i High School fully transitioned as a wall-to-wall Academy Schoolin school year 2022-23. We have our Freshman Academy, Academy of Human Services and Academy of Innovation & Design. We are proud to be part of the Hawai’i Academy Consortium with 25 other Hawai’i Department of Education high schools. Our goal is to work together to provide a variety of opportunities to learn life long skills to be a contributing member of the greater community and to experience college and career pathways to assist in making better informed post-secondary decisions. At Kaua’i High School we also support healthy lifestyles for all our students. We have a wide variety of athletic opportunities that promote physical fitness and competitions that instill ethics and the dignity of hard work. More than half our students are also student athletes. Additionally, we have over 25+ clubs that promote students’ interest, leadership and citizenship where they are able to make a positive difference in our schools and our community. Our focus on driving up academic achievement coupled with multiple educational opportunities will ensure our students are college, career and/or military ready and resilient. It takes a concerted effort to make this happen. Everyone plays a key role in the success of our students. Thank you for your contribution to Team Red Raider!
Our goals for our Red Raiders not only include a high school diploma but also opportunities to explore college and career options like completing at least two CTE courses and participating in focused activities that promote citizenship and rigorous academics. We, collectively, provide a safe, healthy and nurturing environment where students can take full advantage of their capacity to learn and to apply their learning. We will continue to foster an educational culture where teachers grow and use their knowledge and experiences to benefit our students. We will support student growth through our Academy design and our content teams through intentional and collaborative problem solving to meet the needs of our students and leverage their strengths.
I look forward to fostering the sense of ‘ohana and belonging as an integral part of the Kaua’i High School experience. As Principal, I will always maintain an open door policy. Please feel free to contact me anytime at [email protected] or (808) 977-9700. Always remember…WE are Red Raider Strong!
Mrs. Marlene Leary
Class of 1986